For many gamers it is important that they get a great deal for their money. You can’t go wrong with the following games in this regard. Because these 13 adventures will entertain you for an extremely long time.

video game culture

13 games for patient gamers

28 hours for Demon’s Souls, 30 for Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla and 40 hours for Cyberpunk 2077 – most games can easily be completed in a few days or weeks. But there are also some video games that stand out not in such a “tight” time frame press – RPG fans in particular are used to investing more than 100 hours in their virtual excursions.

Playstation clock

Playstation clock

The price may be higher now. Price from 06/21/2022 16:14

But it can still be crass: for some video games you even need the 400 to 3,000 hours until completion. With the help of we have put together a series of pictures that show you which games you can stay in for a particularly long time.

Click here for 13 video games you should set aside extra time for:

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