you do it in these 4 ways
Do you use your MacBook a lot? Then you undoubtedly have many apps and programs installed. But you don’t need all apps and programs that you don’t use can just as well be removed, right? How best to do that, tells iPhoned you!
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Four ways to remove an app from your MacBook
When you have installed more apps, the storage of your laptop becomes more and more full. Then it’s high time to do something about it and remove all unnecessary apps! Here are the four best ways.
1. Uninstall an app or other program via storage manager
One of the easiest ways to uninstall apps and other programs is through storage manager. Read below how to do that.
Remove an app or program from your Macbook
- Tap the Apple logo at the top left;
- Choose ‘About This Mac’ in the menu;
- Tap ‘Storage>Manage…’;
- In the box on the left, tap ‘Apps’;
- Select the app and click on ‘Remove…’ on the right.
- Tap ‘Delete’ again to discard the program.
2. Remove apps from Launchpad
The first way to safely remove apps from your MacBook is to use Launchpad. Open Launchpad by clicking its icon in the Dock. Then find the app(s) you have downloaded and want to remove. Click on it and hold for a while.

The apps on the screen start to ‘wobble’. Then click on the cross next to the app to remove it. Once you have done this, you only need to confirm your choice by clicking ‘Delete’.
3. Uninstall apps in the Finder
It is not possible to remove all apps via LaunchPad. You probably downloaded some of the applications on your MacBook via the internet. It is best to remove them in the following way.

Tap the Finder icon in your Dock and click Apps on the left. Then find the apps you want to remove. Then right-click on the app, choose ‘Move to Trash’ and then empty the Trash to permanently delete the apps.
4. Delete from your Dock
The last way to uninstall apps is through the Dock. Find and click on the app and immediately drag it up. Then wait for a speech bubble with ‘Delete’ to appear and release the button. You can also drag the app to the trash and then release the button. After this you have to empty the recycle bin to delete the application(s) permanently.