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why are the media so interested in it?

The explosion of digital currencies leaves no one indifferent. The media are particularly making it their favorite, in this period marked by a global economic recession.

  • Surveys;
  • interviews;
  • magazines;
  • free stands;

all journalistic genres are used to decipher the operation of these alternative means of payment. Better still, the mistrust displayed by the press, with the advent of cybermoney, seems to crumble in favor of a renewed interest in the subject. What can explain this change in posture? Focus on the strengths of cryptocurrencies that are causing so much ink and saliva.

Bitcoin in the crosshairs

The coronavirus pandemic has revealed the fragility of fiat currencies. Indeed, those of developing nations have experienced a marked depreciation. Likewise, the economies of countries using currencies deemed to be more stable suffered the blow. This situation was an opportunity for the media to take a closer look at the relevance of cryptocurrencies. To this end, many debates have focused in particular on the fluctuation of Bitcoin price, exclusively dependent on supply and demand on the blockchain.

A parade against hyperinflation

Bitcoin, the emblematic virtual currency, has crystallized attention, because being the first asset to come out of the blockchain. From the various analyzes of specialists, it should be remembered that it can reduce hyperinflation which often penalizes economies. This is because it is a neutral currency that is not dependent on either a state or a central bank. As a result, its value does not fluctuate according to socio-political events. Therefore, it does not depreciate following a rise in the prices of products on the market. Reason why buy bitcoin becomes a very interesting option. However, these deflationary currencies offer many more advantages.

Safe transactions

Fiduciary currencies are gradually giving way to scriptural, in order to ensure the safety of users. However, in turn, the latter solution can still be improved, since bank accounts are not immune to cyber attacks. Conversely, cryptoassets are traded on 100% secure platforms. In addition, the personal data of the actors is protected, since the system allows the use of pseudonyms. Another curiosity for the media who wish to reveal such an opportunity to the general public.

New perspectives

In addition to being able to operate in complete security, users of digital currencies can also use them to make investments. In this context, new opportunities are offered to them every day. For example, it is now possible to trade gold through cryptocurrencies. To this end, the media are increasing the number of publications on this new market which increases the value of these currencies. These can therefore be backed by a physical asset and therefore attract the most skeptical.

Transparent operations

Even if crypto currency transactions require anonymity, it should be noted that they take place publicly. This means that members of the same network are informed of everything that is happening there. This transparency, which contrasts with the operating system of traditional banks, interests media professionals. In this perspective, programs are organized on this specificity of blockchains. The objective is to analyze to what extent promote the use of such currencies, in order to strengthen the transparency of company management.

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