
Which provider is really safe? [Anzeige]

Large providers seem to be an obvious and safe choice when a company is looking for a new cloud infrastructure. However, problems are often encountered when it comes to day-to-day support or the implementation of solutions that go beyond the standard offering.

SIM networks is a German IT infrastructure provider with more than 10 years of experience in the market. They keep hearing similar stories from their customers who have had experiences with global suppliers. In this article, we share their observations on cloud customer service and how the provider handles it.

What is the problem with the big providers of IT infrastructures?

The above global providers need no introduction. According to a study by extra In the last quarter of 2022, AWS controlled a whopping 32 percent of the cloud infrastructure market, Microsoft Azure 23 percent, and Google Cloud 10 percent, for a total 65 percent.

A company’s size inevitably affects its approach to business. This becomes clear when you look at the product lines of the individual providers. You will find an impressive number of products and solutions for various industries, from telecommunications to quantum technologies.

AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud have more than enough technical resources to develop offerings that meet the prima facie needs of any organization requiring a new IT foundation. However, behind the wide range of solutions there is a lack of another resource.

Here are some opinions from users of these services:


“Simple and simple, but beware when service meets real-world complexity!”. “Lots of rough edges and unclear functional details. Specifically, NFS and DNS setup and stability issues, as well as limited SSD support across different data centers. The support staff are unfamiliar with or how to solve some issues that should be standard.”


“Terrible customer service. The account has been hacked. AWS couldn’t figure out how this happened, but they withheld my money for months and claimed I had to do a number of administrative tasks before they would give me my money back.”

Google cloud

“It wasn’t very transparent. The documentation is bad too. Customer service is not very good.”

We often hear similar things at SIM Networks from our customers who have previously used the services of the major providers. No wonder: With so many customers, there are often hardly enough resources to answer support requests within a week, let alone address a company’s specific needs.

You often have to deal with unexpected problems yourself

Large providers can offer universal solutions for your industry and cover basic functions. However, if you’re faced with unexpected problems or non-standard tasks, you’ll probably have to deal with them yourself. There are millions of customers like you around the world.

Support plans for a separate fee are a popular way to solve this problem and determine whose needs take priority. In this case, however, the problem of the provider is solved, and not that of the customer: the company has to pay more to get a fundamental element of working with the IT infrastructure, namely support from the developer of the platform. Large international companies can afford the attention of a large vendor, but most small and medium-sized businesses cannot.

If your company’s needs are fully covered by off-the-shelf offerings, there’s a good chance that a lack of support resources or the need to pay for support won’t be an issue for you. However, when it comes to an entire enterprise’s IT infrastructure, this is rarely the case and the “real world complexity” mentioned in the Azure assessment becomes a critical factor.

What Makes SIM Networks Different?

The essence of our offer can be summed up as “project-based approach” To summarize: We take responsibility for building enterprise IT platforms from scratch based on client’s tasks, requirements and preferences.

We serve fewer customers than the big providers, so our engineers and project managers can fully concentrate on the individual projects – from the first consultation to the construction of a cloud or server infrastructure.

Speaking of advice: In our experience, most companies turn to IT infrastructure providers without having a clear idea of ​​what their future IT platform should look like. That’s not even necessary. In order to successfully implement a project, we only need a description of the global tasks your company.

Every IT infrastructure project begins and ends with SIM-Networks communication – exactly what large international providers cannot offer. We start by working with the customer to ensure that the IT platform meets the company’s expectations. Once the project is implemented, we stay in touch 24/7 and respond within a maximum of one hour. The provider guarantees this through the service level agreement.

An IT platform is more than just a server

A reliable IT platform consists not only of servers with the right configuration. A whole range of services are required to enable companies to achieve their long-term goals without having to worry about day-to-day technical problems. This approach leads to a real partnership between provider and customer.

With the enterprise cloud from SIM-Networks you can benefit from this approach to IT infrastructure services. Technologically, this product can be anything you need: a public cloud, a private cloud, or a hybrid platform based on multiple cloud architectures. Everything hangs of your needs away. Simply describe to SIM Networks which tasks you have to fulfill and the experts will develop a solution. Just talk to the provider, they are always there for you!

Convince yourself now

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