WhatsApp and Instagram get more paid features
WhatsApp and Instagram will get more paid features in the future. That says the parent company Meta, which also owns Facebook, among others.
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More paid features for WhatsApp
Parent company Meta does not yet want to say exactly what these new paid functions will be. John Hegeman of Meta said in an interview that they in any case do not intend to turn off the advertisements in the apps for a fee. He added that they want to add features that “WhatsApp users are only too happy to pay for.”
It is not so strange that Meta does not feel like turning off advertisements in their apps for a fee. The company earns the vast majority of its revenue from advertising. Because Apple has required apps in iOS to request permission to track you, the revenue for Meta has been a lot lower lately.
Read more: Advertisers angry with Apple – ‘iOS 14 warns too much about tracking’
That’s why the company has now set up a new department (New Monetization Experiences) to research and implement the paid features in Meta’s apps. Not only WhatsApp will get more paid functions, Instagram and Facebook are also being looked at to bring in more money.
More and more apps are getting a version that you have to pay for
It was to be expected that WhatsApp will receive (more) paid functions. Lately, more and more social media and chat apps are getting extra paid features. For example, Telegram (a competitor of WhatsApp) has Telegram Premium for 5.49 per month. Twitter also has a paid variant (not yet in the Netherlands) called Twitter Blue and SnapChat Plus also gives you extra functions for a fee.

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