
What is YouTube Premium and how to get a month for free?

Google launched YouTube Premium (formerly known as YouTube Red) in 2018, which offers several undeniable benefits for users who spend time on the platform. What is YouTube Premium and how do I activate it? We will look at this in today’s article.

What is YouTube Premium?

YouTube Premium is a paid service that is available in most countries, inclusive Czech Republic. It allows you to use services like YouTube, YouTube Music YouTube Kids nebo YouTube Gaming completely without ads, which is probably the main advantage. Given that the vast majority of YouTube’s revenue comes from ads, there are a really large number of them. Some time ago, Google even began advertising ads on videos that the creators themselves did not want.

How to get YouTube Premium or YouTube Music Premium

So if (like us) you spend a lot of time on this platform, maybe you should think about it just for that reason. Ads to you they won’t show up on any device if you’re signed in with your YouTube Premium account. This means you can watch videos on your computer, tablet, TV and even your laptop at the same time without annoying ads. You can now argue that Adblock will do the same for free. You’re sure, but in that case, you’re definitely not going to help your favorite creator, and if everyone used it, there would be a lot less content on YouTube.

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How to set up and manage a YouTube family plan | YouTube Premium

Another indisputable advantage is offline download on your phone or tablet, which means you can download a video and watch it without drawing your precious data (unless, of course, you have an unlimited tariff). In addition, videos can also be played in the background, so if you’re listening to a podcast, music, or anything else, even if it’s a video, you can do other things on your Android device without having to stay in the app. However, if you cannot do without the image and still want to use another application, it is available picture-in-picture functionwhich is also exclusive to YouTube Premium.

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Jakub Kárník

Jakub Kárník

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YouTube Music

We must not forget YouTube Music, which is also included in the Premium membership. It offers downloading songs to your phone and listening to background music, completely without ads. You can use it for free, but without these benefits.

How much does YouTube Premium cost and how to get a month for free?

YouTube Premium is based on CZK 179 per monthIf you are only interested in YouTube Music Premium, this is based on CZK 149 per month. If you are interested in a free month, just activate your YouTube Premium membership and click on “Try for free”. Google will notify you of the upcoming first payment 7 days before the end of the trial period, so if you only want to try the service before deciding whether your membership will pay off.

How many subscriptions do you currently have?

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