
What does a founder and CEO actually do?

Digitization is changing our working world from the ground up. This is why new job descriptions are emerging. But what is hidden behind the designations? We want to make that tangible in “And what are you doing?” Today: Mali M. Baum, Founder and CEO of Wlounge.

What does a CEO actually do?

BASIC thinking: Hello Mali, you work as a serial entrepreneur, investor, founder and CEO of Wlounge. What does a normal day look like in your job?

After starting the day with my husband and my two children’s homemade breakfast, I start the first calls and meetings at 8:30 a.m. This usually lasts until 9:30 p.m. Some days I pick my kids up from school. Then I take a break from work and we spend valuable hours together.

After that, however, it can happen that you have to go back to your desk until midnight. I still have to learn to consciously take time for myself. Networking is an integral part of my everyday work. For example, once a week we organize a community event with Wlounge, where start-ups can exchange ideas with investors.

And what do you start the day with?

Before 8 a.m. in the morning, before the first meetings start, I always tidy my desk. This helps me to sort myself. The best way to build in time for myself here is very early on.

The tasks as CEO

What tasks are in your area?

Anything that is important to me or to the growth of Wlounge is within my purview. I am surrounded by fantastic employees who are growing with me and the company every day. So they are a big part of my attention and responsibility.

As a serial founder and investor with 20 years of experience, I have learned that good management is in the details. Even if I don’t do everything myself, I know all the details by heart.

Mali M. Baum, Founder and CEO of Wlounge.

How do you personally define and interpret your job as CEO?

It’s not a job, it’s a mission! This company has a personality of its own – one that you want to get involved with and be friends with. So I can define my job as making sure that Wlounge grows, impacts more people and does more and more good, socially, professionally and financially.

Many people belong to Wlounge and they feel a part of it every day. This is the strength of the network and its social business model. The big picture is what counts.

Integration into the corporate structure

How is your position integrated into the company structure? Say: Who do you report to and with whom do you work?

As CEO, my employees report to me. I myself always strive to further strengthen the personality of the company by communicating the values ​​of WLounge to the outside world. Of course, the role of the CEO is interpreted differently in every company.

What perspectives are you missing out on that are fundamentally part of the job description?

As a serial founder, I have already gained a lot of experience and can now use it as CEO to cover as many perspectives as possible. And if I don’t do it, then employees who are familiar to me and know what I value.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I think that’s an easy answer: networking! I founded Wlounge to promote diversity and women in business and technology. This can only happen with exchange, discussions and mutual support. The heart of the company is also my passion.

What are you particularly grateful for?

I am especially grateful for the people in my network. They have such a huge impact on our industry, on the next generation and also on people’s lives in general, opening new doors and opportunities every day.

In the digital industry in particular, there is often no longer a classic education. How did you get your position?

I started my first company in the toy industry in 2007 and have successfully expanded from Tel Aviv to the US, Asia, Australia and across Europe.

I’ve been a founder and investor for many years now and have learned a lot through “learning by doing”. I like to pass on my knowledge and therefore also work as a mentor and speaker.

What tip would you give to a newcomer or interested career changer who also wants to become an investor?

Investing always means responsibility. Everyone who invests their own money or someone else’s money must be aware of this. As a serial entrepreneur and founder, when I invest in companies, I ensure that they grow quickly with the help of my many years of experience and my network.

I know all the companies I invest in very well. I accompany them since the pre-seed, sometimes until the exit. A career as an investor often begins with dreams of giving something back. Not just capital, but also your own experience. As a serial entrepreneur, it feels natural to also be an investor.

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