
Turn off the heating to save money? It is not that easy

Because gas, electricity and oil are becoming more and more expensive, consumers are looking for ways to keep heating costs as low as possible. Simply switching off the heating completely for longer could be the solution. The issue of insulation is particularly important.

Switching off the heating: Can this save money?

It sounds logical, but it doesn’t always help: If you’re not at home, the heating system is simply switched off completely. If no energy is used for heating, there are no costs – yes this can sometimes be a fallacy. When the outside temperature is low, the rooms cool down faster than you would like. This can be harmful to walls, pipes and even furniture.

The decisive question is always how good the situation is insulation of the building and how bad the outside temperature is. If the insulation is particularly good – and if there is no risk of mold – switching off the heating for a longer period of time can not only save energy, but also money. A conversation with an energy consultant can be informative here.

If the conditions are worse, it is not advisable to leave the heating off for longer. The water in pipes could freeze, causing it to expand. This can be noticeable with cracks or even a burst pipe. At the latest then the possible savings are off the table.

To make matters worse, consumers Damage often not noticed immediately. On the other hand, water damage that results from this spreads fairly quickly. Turning the heater back on is not recommended. The repair of the damage should also not be tackled yourself, but rather a specialist company should be contacted.

After all, electricity can be generated on the balcony itself:

Switch the heating on again: Hardly any savings possible

According to the Central Association for Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning, consumers only save money when the rooms cool down. The next time you heat up, however, you have to also warm up the walls again. This requires almost the same amount of heat that would have been used with continuous heating (source: T-Online).

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