Transport Minister threatens network operators with sanctions
In Germany there are still too many dead spots in the mobile network. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing is therefore increasing the pressure on network operators to fill these so-called white spots.
White spots: This is what 4G dead spots are called. There are still more of these in Germany than originally planned.
The three major network operators come to plug the gaps in the network media reports However, progress is said to be slow. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening sanctions.
Dead spots: mobile phone providers do not meet the requirements
There are currently three mobile networks in Germany: Telekom, Vodafone and Telefónica. In the 2019 frequency auction, the companies committed to building new radio stations in 500 existing white spots by the end of 2022.
According to a report by the Federal Network Agency, however, none of the three major providers will meet the expansion requirements within the specified time frame. According to Wissing, there could be a variety of reasons for this. The minister accepts delivery delays, citizens’ initiatives or lengthy approval procedures.
Dead spots: Operators should receive penalties
However, when it comes to the responsibility of mobile phone providers: inside, he is apparently slowly losing patience. In his view, operators who are responsible for delays in the expansion of the network should receive sanctions.
However, the Federal Network Agency decides on appropriate measures. It checks the supply situation and imposes penalties in the event of violations. However, the authority is not known for itto actually use their resources.
Germany’s mobile communications reach only average
According to the Federal Network Agency, is around 97 percent of the country is supplied with 4G. Current numbers show that around 79 percent of the area is equipped with the latest 5G mobile communications standard.
Strictly speaking, white spots are not dead spots because at least a 2G phone signal exists there. Internet users today, however, know that this weak radio signal can hardly do anything anymore.
Wissing’s goal is for Germany to be at the forefront when it comes to digital connectivity. To do this, the network operators would have to close the dead spots as quickly as possible.
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