
this way you can search songs by lyrics

Everyone has experienced it before, you only know a part of the lyrics of a song, but you no longer know the name of the song. Unfortunately, you couldn’t find the song on Spotify without a title, but we’ll show you how you can do that now.

Search by lyrics

You recognize it, you hear a song on the radio and the lyrics get stuck in your head. You come home and you want to listen to it again, but what is the name of the song? Hop, to Google to type in the text and look up the number. You can then listen to the song on streaming services in the search results in Google. But now the Google step has (finally) become obsolete. Spotify has made it possible to search for song lyrics on the app itself. If you write a short piece of text of a song in the search bar, the app will search for the best match for you. Once the result matches a lyrics, the lyrics match lyrics will appear with the song. The function also works in Dutch.

The possibility has already been made possible at the end of 2020 but many users were not aware of it. The feature also works on the desktop version. The company is not the first streaming service to have this feature. Apple Music already released this capability with the release of iOS 12 in 2018.

How do I search by lyrics?

Do you want to find that one song you’ve been looking for for ages? This can be done very easily this way:

  1. Open Spotify
  2. Open the search bar through the magnifying glass below
  3. Enter a piece of lyrics in the search bar
  4. Spotify is now going to show you songs with ‘lyrics match
  5. Press the song that has a match to play it
  6. Finally find that one song you didn’t know the name of and start singing!

Now you’ve finally found that one song and you want to go wild again, but one problem… you don’t really know the whole lyrics. Fortunately, Spotify has recently also let you view the real-time lyrics in the app. So singing along is no longer a problem!

Did you know you could search by song lyrics? Are you all going to look up songs this way? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.

Spotify - Music & Podcasts

Spotify – Music & Podcasts

Can you use Spotify for free? Spotify is a popular music app in the Netherlands that currently has 159 million users worldwide, of which 71..

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