this team of big names is working on the new Apple Car
In recent years, a huge number of names have been associated with Project Titan. It’s high time to highlight the team working on the Apple Car. iPhoned tells you everything you need to know!
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‘Secret Project Titan appears to be Apple Car’
In recent years, Apple has built a team around Project Titan or, more commonly, Apple Car. Electric (and autonomous driving) is the future of the car industry. There is a good chance that a car will become the next new product from Apple. The Apple Car could become the ultimate Apple experience, but which team is responsible for the Apple Car?
Apple Car has a team of stars
Project Titan is led by Kevin Lynch. In addition to Adobe Flash, he is responsible for the development of the popular Apple Watch and is particularly concerned with the commonly used health meters in this smartwatch. Under this project leader we see a team with an impressive background.
For example, several former Tesla employees have been snatched away to join the Apple Car team. Christopher Moore, who led the Autopilot team at Tesla, would take care of the autonomous nature of the Apple Car at Project Titan.
Forbes also recently hired former Lamborghini veteran Luigi Taraborrelli. This man has two decades of experience at the Italian supercar manufacturer as chief investigator for chassis and aerodynamics.

Finally, we know from rumors that former employees of other major car manufacturers have been hired. Manfred Harrer, for example, specialized in design at Porsche and now has to design the Apple Car. In addition, a number of engineers have left Mercedes to work at Project Titan.
All in all, the team around the Apple Car is filled with experienced workers from the car and tech industry. Apple also seems to take the self-driving electric car really seriously. However, when we will hear more from the Apple Car is still a big mystery.
‘Team was temporarily disbanded, restart successful’
How far is the Apple Car really, because the Apple Car team was temporarily disbanded to meet the 2025 deadline. Lynch and Project Titan are also suffering from the global chip shortage, according to well-known Apple analysts.
Apple Car must become a car for the masses. Apple would already have a ‘revolutionary battery’. This ensures that this Apple Car can drive further and faster than, for example, the current Tesla models. There are also rumors that the LiDAR scanner in the latest iPhones is a test for the technology in self-driving cars. Until we hear real news, speculation will continue.
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