This is how you find out how much you should actually be earning
“You don’t talk about money”: That’s the opinion of many Employees and employers in Germany. However, this can mean that many people have no comparable value when it comes to salary. However, you can use the Federal Employment Agency’s wage atlas to find out how much you should actually be earning.
Do you actually know how much your colleagues or superiors earn? Probably not, because in Germany the topic of salary is often still considered a taboo subject. Without a comparable value, many employees are therefore faced with the dilemma of not knowing how to find out whether they actually earn enough.
Salary: With the salary atlas you can find out whether you earn enough
However, the so-called remuneration data from the Federal Employment Agency promises a remedy. Because with that online tool you can find out what the average salary is in your job. The platform provides salary information for over 4,000 different professions.
You can also find out how much employees earn in your job on average across Germany or in your state. The salary atlas also spits out the average salary as well as the lowest and highest salary brackets.
Income: gender and age differences
Also practical: With the tool you can also filter by age and gender to find out whether there are any corresponding differences. You can also search for major cities with over 500,000 inhabitants. For example, salary-specific differences between Munich and Berlin can be determined.
The pay atlas presents you with the desired results either as a diagram, table or as an interactive map. Another advantage: You can also find out how potential further training would affect your salary. The current data is based on the corresponding full-time income from 2021.
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