Markus Lanz has been talking about political issues with various guests on his show since 2008. If you want to know who’s on the show on July 18th, you’ve come to the right place.

The talk show “Markus Lanz” has been running in ZDF’s late-evening program since 2008. Three days a week, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Markus Lanz on his show and talks to a wide variety of guests, mostly about current political issues. In the past, prominent people were often invited and talked about more entertaining topics, but since 2020 the focus has clearly been on political discussions and so the guests are mostly politicians or from social life. How many guests are invited to the group varies depending on the program and topic. You can find out who is allowed to join the discussion here.

Who is the guest on “Markus Lanz” on July 18, 2023?

  • Joachim Gauck: The former Federal President comments on the most pressing issues of our time. Among other things, the dangers for democracy, migration, the loss of voters in the parties of the center and the mood in East Germany.

When and where is Markus Lanz on TV?

The talk show is broadcast three nights a week. “Markus Lanz” can be seen every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10:45 p.m. and midnight in the main program of ZDF. Alternatively, the show is also available with a time delay live stream to stream on the Internet on the ZDF website. If you missed the free TV broadcast, you can also watch the talk show on the ZDF Mediathek look at. Here you are not tied in time and can tune in whenever you want.

The Markus Lanz phenomenon: a question for every answer

The Markus Lanz phenomenon: a question for every answer

The price may be higher now. Price as of 07/19/2023 01:21

What other political talk shows are there?

If the three shows of “Markus Lanz” a week aren’t enough politics for you, there are of course other talk shows worth seeing on ARD and ZDF. You can find out what they are and when they run here:

  • “hard but fair” (Monday)
  • “maischberger” (Tuesday and Wednesday)
  • “Maybrit Illner” (Thursday)

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