
These are the most common Internet passwords among Slovak users

Security company NordPass has published on its website the 200 most used Internet passwords by countries, including Slovakia. The list also shows how many times a password has been used and how long it would take to crack it. Most of them simply smile on their faces.

Slovaks mainly use first names as a password

The list of keywords is compiled by the company in collaboration with independent researchers who specialize in cyber security incident research. The total database of collected data from more than 50 countries is up to 4 TB in size. The passwords in the list can be filtered not only by country but also by user gender.

NordPass also summarized some interesting research facts. It should come as no surprise that an overwhelming number of people use their name as a password. Interestingly, the most popular sports club among the slogans is the English FC Liverpool (liverpool). Research also shows that men use swearing as slogans more often than women.

In the case of Slovak men, swearing is the 7th most used keyword. The most popular cars among the slogans are Ferrari and Porsche. The most used animal is the dolphin. Thanks to the younger years, the popular British boys’ band One Direction (onedirection) returned to the charts after a year.

The first four most common passwords of Slovak users are the same as worldwide – 123456, 123456789, 12345, qwerty. In other places, however, first names are beginning to predominate, especially for women, while in the world they are mostly numbers. Slovak men are also great nationalists, which is confirmed by the last two places in the top ten most used keywords – slovakia, slovakia.

TOP 10 most common passwords:

Global passwords Slovak passwords Passwords of Slovak men Passwords of Slovak women
1. 123456 123456 123456 12345
2. 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456
3. 12345 12345 qwerty 123456789
4. qwerty qwerty password veronika
5. password 12345678 password monika
6. 12345678 password 987654321 dominika
7. 111111 martin matrix zuzana
8. 123123 veronika kokot sunshine
9. 1234567890 password slovakia katarina
10. 1234567 monika Slovakia bratislava

A complete list of the TOP 200 most used passwords can be found on the official NordPass website.

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