
These are the 10 most authoritarian countries in the world

The so-called Democracy Index shows annually in which parts of the world the most authoritarian states are located. We show them to you in our weekly ranking.

Almost eight billion people live on earth. Different political forms of government deny many access to political and cultural peace.

Magazine analysts The Economist annually examine the political and civil liberties of the people for 167 countries and create one Democracy Index.

The most authoritarian states in the world

Based on five criteria, the countries can achieve a maximum of ten points. People in countries with more than eight points live in a democracy. Nations that receive fewer than four points belong to an authoritarian state system.

The criteria examined in the Democracy Index include the electoral process, the functionality of government, political participation, political culture and civil liberties. We show you the countries that will be among the most authoritarian states in the world in 2021 in the ranking.

10th place: Yemen and Libya

With a rating of 1.95 Yemen and Libya are the tenth most authoritarian states in the world. Almost seven million people live in Libya and almost 30 million in Yemen.

10th place: Yemen and Libya. (unsplash.com / Mohamed Sadiq)

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