
These are the 10 best gas grills – according to Stiftung Warentest

The summer time almost traditionally heralds the barbecue season. In our weekly ranking, we show you the ten best gas grills – according to Stiftung Warentest.

Anyone who uses a gas grill does not necessarily have to do without a wood or smoke aroma. The advantages of the best gas grills are obvious: They are quickly ready for use, have low operating costs and are often easy to clean.

The best gas grills according to Stiftung Warentest

The Stiftung Warentest evaluated 24 gas grills and identified the top ten gas grills. The analysis is based on the criteria grill function, handling, safety, durability and freedom from harmful substances. In the following ranking, we show you which gas grills were able to convince.

10th place: Napoleon Rogue 425

The Napoleon Rogue 425 takes tenth place in the ranking of the best gas grills. Overall, the grill achieves the quality rating 3.1. On average, you pay 840 euros for this gas grill.


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