These are the 10 best economy shower heads
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A good economy shower head does not have to be expensive and can significantly reduce your shower costs. But which manufacturers and models are the most convincing? In our weekly ranking, we show you the ten best energy-saving shower heads – according to Stiftung Warentest.
You want to shower extensively and still save money? Then a savings shower head can be helpful. While the water consumption of classic shower heads is around 15 liters per minute, the best energy-saving shower heads only use around ten liters.
These are the 10 best energy-saving shower heads according to Stiftung Warentest
The Stiftung Warentest tested 20 water-saving shower heads in terms of their function, handling and durability. In the following ranking we present you the results and thus the ten best energy-saving shower heads in comparison.
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10th place: Schütte Samoa Rain hand shower chrome/anthracite
The tenth place in the ranking of the best economy shower heads goes to the Schütte Samoa Rain hand shower. For an average of 35.50 euros, consumers receive a model with the test rating of 2.1. The shower head has over 300 nozzles and three different spray types.
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