These 10 German cities have the highest rents
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Rents in Germany have been rising for years – especially in the big cities. In our weekly ranking, we show you the ten German cities in which the rents are the highest.
On average, the net cold rents in major German cities are around 30 percent higher than on land. In the first half of 2022, they were 8.30 euros per square meter in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. But: In which German cities are the rents actually the highest?
These cities have the highest rents in Germany
As a data-based platform compares numbero the average cost of living of major cities with that of New York City. Because: New York is often considered the most expensive city in the world. The rental index is 100 percent. In the following ranking, we take a look at the ten German cities with the highest rents.
10th place: Cologne
Tenth place goes to Cologne. The rental index is in the cathedral city 27.5 percentmeaning rents here are on average 72.5 percent cheaper than in New York City.
10th place: Cologne. ( / pixel2013)
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