
‘There are requests from all over the world for Mom in Balance workouts’

Image: Jeanette Huisman

A strong body strengthens the mind, Esther van Diepen (45) noticed during her pregnancies. But exercising with a pregnant, recently given birth or hormonally changing body requires a different program than regular boot camp, so she founded Mom in Balance.

“With four children between the ages of 12 and 17 I have some time for myself again, you might think. Yet there is always something happening at home, and with a body that is slowly preparing for the transition, sports are indispensable for me. It’s my way of recharging and being among women who are in the same stage of life. I wish that for every woman.

Exercising together

I am sporty and cycling and skated fanatically in my youth. When I got pregnant and exercise fell a bit, I really needed it. My pregnancy changed so much – in my body, but also in my life. I was one of the first in my circle of friends to have a child, I needed women around me who went through the same thing.

When we lived in New York during my second pregnancy and I walked through the park alone behind the stroller, I saw groups of people playing sports everywhere. I missed connecting with other mothers, I missed working out; what if I created such a sports formula especially for mothers? That’s how Mom in Balance was born.

Mom in Balance

Through outdoor sports I want to help (future) mothers with a strong, energetic foundation. Because when you feel good physically and mentally, it is easier to make the right choices, to work on ambitions and to enjoy your family. By working on your strength physically, you strengthen mentally; you balance better.

“When you exercise outside with a group of women, something magical happens”

When you exercise outside with a group of women, something magical happens. The conversations become more open, more positive. Everyone can lose her egg, whether it’s about urine loss or broken nights. It also feels cool, working out together through weather and wind, I get much more strength out of it than indoors on my yoga mat. I also still give training and sports with the women.

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Other exercises

Working out with a pregnant or a mother’s body requires different exercises than are given in many regular sports lessons. Your hormone balance changes, your pelvis and center of gravity change; your body has a lot to absorb. If your muscles around the pelvis, in your thighs and upper body are strong, it is easier to maintain an upright posture and it is more likely that you will carry a pregnancy or a changed body more easily afterwards. You can prevent complaints with it and it makes your body strong for childbirth and recovery.

Moreover, women are becoming mothers at an increasingly later age. The older you get, the more important it is to take good care of your body. And if you are active, you also take other healthy steps more easily.

Read also – Mom in Balance explanation: 30 days Routine Booster >


The shortcoming of many women is that they tend to take care of their environment first and then themselves. That’s why the step to sports is often so big. While you should first look at what you need to function properly. Sport is an important condition for this.

Of course you can do exercises at home or just take a long walk every day. But someone who tells you what to do and understands which exercises are good for you is much more motivating. If you are also exercising with a group of like-minded people, this often creates great new connections. Women who followed Mom in Balance training often also visit each other after giving birth.

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Exercise becomes easier when you develop a routine. For example, by scheduling two fixed moments per week. We are now active in almost all parks in the Netherlands, in Singapore and at various locations in Europe. Great: more and more requests are coming in from all over the world to work with Mom in Balance. It has grown into a unique formula with its own sports accessories and books.

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