
The best Assassin’s Creed? Our ranking from grotty to grandiose

Ubisoft is busy working on new Assassin’s Creed parts and can also look back on a considerable number of releases. But which of the games is your absolute favourite? And which one brings up the rear? Our ultimate ranking provides information.

Assassin’s Creed: Our ranking from bad to great

The action-adventure series Assassin’s Creed, from Ubisoft, has already experienced some ups and downs. The best games impress with compelling stories and innovative gameplay innovations. However, Ubisoft is often accused of releasing unfinished games. This is reflected in our rating. Here you see the in our opinionbest and worst Assassin’s Creed games.

Unfortunately, Assassin’s Creed – Unity, which dealt with the French Revolution, was barely playable at the beginning. bugs and glitches made the adventure in Paris, which is actually so beautiful, more difficult. After the technical problems were resolved, the second controversy began numerous microtransactions. All in all, Unity was a playful outrage that only really became anything like fun long after release. So this part ends up in last place.

The beginning of the series. Released in 2007, Assassin’s Creed formed the cornerstone of the adventure. Desmond Miles is transported here into the memories of his ancestor, the assassin Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad. For a game that came out in the early days of the PlayStation 3, it came with a solid story and unique gameplay principles, like the beautiful open worldnew standards.

Nevertheless, the series entry aged badly and from today’s perspective a valuable memory, but no longer a good game. He’s too cumbersome for that and it’s not fun to always kill his targets according to a formula. Additionally, the world doesn’t seem particularly alive for the most part, despite its population.

A lot of bugs and glitches and one immature controls mean that Assassin’s Creed 3 cannot live up to its predecessor. Updates solved the problem, but could not eliminate fundamental difficulties.

With the American Revolution, Ubisoft chose one exciting scene, but the missions are monotonous and the character, Connor, is not memorable enough. Ubisoft called Assassin’s Creed 3 the “most ambitious project”, but doesn’t let us feel that much.

Even if the two playable Frye siblings have a certain charm, Syndicate marks a low point in the series. Victorian-era London turns out to be an exciting setting, but the gameplay and missions prove to be too generic, which can no longer be easily gotten over with the thin story.

After Syndicate, players knew what Assassin’s Creed desperately needs: a break.

Assassin’s Creed – Revelations concludes the story of Ezio and this time also includes the memories of the first Assassin Altaïr. The scene is no longer Italy, but the Orient. More assassins to train and send on missions support you in your resistance against the Templars.

Although Constantinople – in contrast to cities like Florence or Venice – no longer invites you to explore as intensively, Revelations is nevertheless an invitation worthy conclusion to the story of Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

In the original PlayStation 3 exclusive Assassin’s Creed – Rogue you are no longer on the side of the Assassin Brotherhood, but take on the role of a Templar. As in Black Flag, you’re traveling by ship, but this time you’re sailing in northern waters.

In addition to a beautiful ice landscape, Rogue rides with so bombastic game scenes in a way rarely seen in the rest of the series. Even if comparatively few players have played this part, they certainly have no regrets.

In Assassin’s Creed – Brotherhood, the exciting story of the assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze enters the second round. You can also here make use of the multiplayer mode for the first time, which also succeeded. Again, it’s fun to learn more about Italy’s history and climb beautiful buildings to explore.

The current part of the Assassin series lists the Viking attacks England in the Middle Ages. After Odyssey, Ubisoft takes the crowd and pace out, making AC Valhalla look a lot more focused, but also emptier.

The open world is one of the most beautiful of its kind, the RPG-like gameplay is fun, but the identity conflict of the series is clearly felt here. Everything is there, but nothing really right anymore. Had the story been good, Valhalla could have been seen as a worthy stepping stone to the next masterpiece. Unfortunately she isn’t.

With Assassin’s Creed 4 – Black Flag, Ubisoft also dared to experiment and introduced you to the world of pirates. Even if pirates deviate from the ideas of an assassin, the experiment was a success. It’s also fun to discover the wide world with your own ship.

As Ubisoft hit rock bottom in the series, the developer took a hiatus and promised to return with a good game. He did, too, with Origins. It’s not just the Egyptian setting that is eye-opening, the story was just as captivating as that new combat systemwhich included tactics for the first time.

There was a lot to do and a lot to discover – with Discovery Mode adding the icing on the cake by guiding you through the historical world with lectures.

The ancient adventure is one of the top 3 in the series for us. This opinion will meet with as much agreement as disagreement, since it is a matter of opinion whether Odyssey completely ignores the assassin core or one instead pleasant fresh wind provided.

With its two likeable main characters, lots of humor and his colorful mixture of assassination, battles and ship fights Odyssey has realized the potential that Origins only hinted at.

The Beginning of the Ezio saga and also the best game in the series for many critics and fans. Assassin’s Creed 2 manages to Combining action and history in the perfect way. The well-known scenes in which you stand on high towers and can see the entire city still give you goosebumps today.

Great graphics, the open and exciting game world and a beautiful soundtrack complete the adventure.

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