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Ted Lasso season 2: a new teaser emphasizes the “positivity” of the series

Season 2 of Ted lasso is approaching. Apple take a moment’s respite to broadcast a new teaser entitled The Lasso Way, teaser which mainly emphasizes the “positivity” of the series and the impact that this “feel good” aspect may have had on the actors but also many spectators. It is true that Ted Lasso is one of the very few current series to hold high the virtue of kindness and benevolence, and this without ever ridiculing the character (Ted Lasso) who carries these values ​​in his heart. At a time filled with cynics, trolls and stalkers of the “rézosocios”, Ted Lasso’s positivity appears almost incongruous, these values ​​being most often the sole prerogative of programs for young people.

Alternating clips from Season 2 with cast commentaries, the teaser In any case, The Lasso Way succeeds in reviving our impatience. Season 2 of Ted Lasso will air on Apple TV + on July 23.

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