
Support Androidworld and turn off your adblocker on our website

Thanks to Adblockers you can read online news without looking at advertisements. Only you do not give any support to the website that shares the important news and interesting content with you. The Androidworld editors kindly ask you to whitelist our website with your adblocker.

Androidworld whitelisting

Perhaps you recently saw the message below appear on Androidworld. This means that you are using an ad blocker in your browser. At Androidworld we provide you with a new portion of reliable news, tips, podcasts, videos and extensive reviews every day for free. We can only do this through the advertisements that can be seen in our articles.

Behind the Androidworld editors is a close-knit team of four editors who give their best every day to write interesting content about Android and everything that connects to your phone. Only the members of the Androidworld team – just like you – naturally want to be able to pay their bread every day. Find out here how to whitelist Androidworld in your adblocker and help us keep offering our articles for free.

The message in which Androidworld asks to whitelist the website

The success of online journalism

When the world wide web became available to the general public in 1991, it seemed interesting for the newspapers of the time to offer news articles for free and without showing advertisements. The intention was that their paper newspaper would appeal to the then small group of internet users. The website was actually regarded as one big advertisement for the newspaper.

However, the internet has evolved over the years into a very popular news source and readers have become accustomed to the free online news, state of media also noted. Larger news brands often lock content behind a paywall, but for smaller editorial teams and at niche websites such as tech news, this is usually not a viable revenue model.

Rise of ad blockers

Advertisements are an important source of income for many news websites. Only in recent years the use of adblockers has increased strongly, according to figures from Statista. It therefore happens more and more that internet users no longer support the content they find important, often without being aware of the consequences for news editors or content creators.

That’s why we ask you to whitelist Androidworld with your adblocker if you find our news articles, podcasts, videos and reviews valuable. The Androidworld editors and the entire team thank you very much for your support!

Support Androidworld and turn off your adblocker on our website

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