
Spotify in the car is better than ever

There is good news for lovers of their own music in the car: Spotify is thinking of you by releasing the new Car Mode.

The car is arguably the ultimate place to use Spotify. Have fun in your own bubble with your favorite classics, laugh at a podcast or discover new music in your Daily Mix. Under one condition: turn something on and stay away from your phone. Music or audio is allowed, but of course it should not become a distraction. Something Spotify tried to promote with a car interface.

Spotify in the car

When Spotify was connected to your car via Bluetooth, a different screen appeared on your smartphone than usual. A simplified layout with larger buttons so you could easily skip, shuffle and ‘like’ a song to save it. A good idea, but last November Spotify announced that this auto mode would disappear. Initially, that seemed like a tactic to be able to sell more of their new device called ‘Car Thing’, a screen in your car specifically aimed at Spotify. The problem with that is that people who don’t have 90 euros for an extra screen are stuck to their smartphone and making the layout worse only makes things less safe.

Spotify Car Mode

That is why Spotify is going to release another layout called Car Mode. Actually already partly released. A number of users, particularly with an Android smartphone, were notified to ‘try out a new car mode’.

If you do that, you will receive a completely new Car Mode for Spotify. At first it looks like the old version, with the name of the song you’re listening to and a limited number of buttons for only necessary functions. New is a large ‘microphone button’ in the middle. This provides even more hands-free operation, because you can use it to record a command. So easy.

A select number of users can test Spotify Car Mode, whether the feature will officially roll out is currently unknown. (via 9to5google)

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