
Sponsored – 6 tips: this is how you strengthen your child’s immune system

Tip 1: The persistent wins

The flu and cold are less likely to strike if you have a healthy immune system. Two pieces of fruit and lots of vegetables are important for this every day. Of course, vegetables are not always a favorite of your child. But did you know that after an average of ten tastings, almost everything goes in?

Tip 2: Water party

Drinking enough water keeps the body’s fluid balance up to scratch. This is especially important for keeping the mucous membranes moist. They form a protective barrier between the outside world and the inside of your body. Make drinking water easy and fun party. Set a glass pitcher on the table with colorful cups and flavor the water with mint, orange wedges, blueberries or cucumber in it. Be sure that it will.

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Tip 3: Out and about

Fresh air and exercise is of course good for you and your child. Sunlight is the most important source of vitamin D and that also supports the resistance. So go play outside together, go for a bike ride, look for chestnuts or kick a ball. Two birds with one stone.

Tip 4: Reduce that chance

Echinaforce Junior tablets from A. Vogel contain a high dose of Echinacea Purpurea. This medicinal plant stimulates the functioning of the immune system. It increases your child’s resistance and thus reduces the risk of flu and colds. And does your child already have the flu or does he have a cold? The tablets also ensure a faster recovery from flu and colds.

Tip 5: Cookie Monsters

During the cold season you often feel like snacking more. But be careful with sugar, because it also undermines the resistance. A candy or a cookie in moderation.

Tip 6: Sleep well

A good night’s sleep is important for a good resistance. Sufficient rest before going to bed helps to fall asleep more easily and to sleep well. So collect all iPads, smartphones and other screens with bright lights and noise at least an hour and a half before going to sleep and read a book together – nice and relaxing and very cozy.

*Traditional Herbal Medicine based on Echinacea purpurea. Read the instructions before use. The application is based solely on traditional usage.

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