
Splach Transformer is e-scooter for all terrain

Do you need the Splach Transformer in your life? The large group of people who have financially supported this project think so.

A relatively new concept: the e-scooter. Also known as the electric scooter. The idea is nothing more than a simple scooter you might have had as a child, but with a motor in it. A simple means of transport in the urban jungle. Due to legislation in the Netherlands, it is not yet the egg of Columbus in our cities.


Too bad, because then ideas like the Splach Transformer pass us by. We are all familiar with e-scooters for city use, but the Transformer goes a step further.

The Splach Transformer seems to get some inspiration from a dirt bike in terms of design. It turns out: this is an e-step for every terrain. Crossing through the city or actually crossing is both possible.


But the Splach Transformer gets its name from the possibilities you have with the thing. All kinds of components can be replaced to make the thing what you want. So you can stand on it, but there is also a saddle on it. You can replace the high handlebars with a low handlebar and thus make a kind of mini bike.

You can also exchange the wheels. The Splach Transformer comes with ‘normal’ tires or off-road tires with extra grip. With the latter you can still do quite impressive things in the terrain. Jumping is easy through partly hydraulic springs and you can brave hills up to 28 degrees with the e-step.

feather light

The latter is partly due to the power and lightweight nature of the Splach Transformer in combination with the electric motor. It is a 960 watt motor and a total weight of 23 kg: very low for an e-step. As a result, it can reach 38 km/h on any terrain. You can travel 40 km on one charge and the battery can easily be removed and replaced with another battery. Easy!

Will that cost a fortune? It is OK. The Splach Transformer raised $112,000 on Indiegogo. Retail price will be $1,099 (European price not specified). Then buy!

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