
SPD politician gives ChatGPT speech – and nobody notices

SPD politician Tiemo Wölken gave a speech in the European Parliament written by the AI ​​software ChatGPT. None of his colleagues noticed that during the entire speaking time. According to Wölken, he wanted to draw attention to the risks of artificial intelligence.

Timo Wölken is a member of the SPD in the European Parliament. He had the text for his most recent speech written by the AI ​​software ChatGPT. He then presented them in the plenary hall. This is probably the first time that an artificial intelligence has given a speech in the European Parliament.

ChatGPT: SPD politician has speech written about artificial intelligence

During Wölken’s entire speaking time, nobody in the hall noticed that an AI was in his speech wrote. Only at the end did the SPD politician say: “Thanks to ChatGPT”. In terms of content, the text deals with freedom of expression and the regulation of political advertising.

In a video on Twitter, Timo Wölken even speaks of a historic speech. His goal: draw attention to the risks of artificial intelligence. The politician wrote: “Because the fact that you hardly notice that my speech was written by an AI is problematic”.

What are the risks of artificial intelligence?

According to Wölken, ChatGPT is “virtually invisible”, but would still make mistakes. Because the artificial intelligence from OpenAI, like other AI software, depends on the data sets with which it is trained. “But they are often flawed,” said the MEP.

ChatGPT’s filters were also easy to bypass. For example, you would get the AI ​​to evaluate “male black children” as dispensable. SPD politician Wölken: “That is unacceptable!” The EU is currently discussing the so-called AI Act, with which such risks could be countered.

However, according to the current status, ChatGPT and Co. would fall through the cracks. According to Wölken, the technology had already overtaken the law before it was passed. His alternative suggestion: “Principles such as #freedom from discrimination and #transparency should be prescribed for every AI system!”

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