
show ID? You can do that with an iPhone too!

Apple is rolling out a feature that allows you to show your ID on your iPhone.

Your smartphone can already significantly reduce the number of cards in your wallet. The Apple Wallet on your iPhone can simply include any card with a barcode in your system. Even better: nowadays Apple Pay is also well integrated with most Dutch banks, so your phone can also be your debit card. Most of these features are first rolled out in the US, because (local) authorities often also have to approve everything.

ID on your iPhone

Apple takes taking over your cards to the next level. A new feature will soon be rolled out in eight US states: integrating your ID into your iPhone. In the US states of Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma and Utah, iPhone users from iOS 15 can use the feature. In these states, the authorities have agreed to roll out the feature.

How does it work?

These states have agreed to present your iPhone (or Watch) instead of an ID as a pass. That works just like other cards: via the Wallet. Before presenting, you will be asked whether you want to confirm your action with TouchID or FaceID. The states have also agreed to do this without handing over your phone.


Adding your ID to the Wallet on your iPhone is just as easy: you upload a clear photo of your ID, which is then sent to the authorities. If they approve the photos, all the numbers you need to validate the driver’s license will be added to your Wallet. It couldn’t be easier.

The Netherlands?

And when will the feature come to the Netherlands? That is unfortunately unknown. It is not even known yet whether other US states will succumb to the ID in your iPhone. If it’s a bit like Apple Pay, it’ll come naturally. When, we’ll have to wait and see.

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