
She secretly made slime. There was a thick layer of mold on it’

Finding a mysterious substance during the big cleaning that even a microbiologist doesn’t want to know about? Every parent’s nightmare.

Esther (44): “Our daughter has a dresser in the room with a door that can only be opened if you put a pin in the lock and then pry. Isabel is eight and has an incomprehensible penchant for making slime. If you want to drive me crazy with something, you have to come up with a jar of slime. She can do everything, but not that. So she did it secretly.

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Big cleaning

During a major cleaning of her room, I also rearranged the entire commode. And I opened the awkward door. Immediately an unbelievable stench hit me. In the cupboard I saw a few glasses that I had lost for a while, filled to the brim with something completely indefinable. There was a thick layer of mold on it.

“I just wanted to make slime, but it failed”

I immediately called Isabel over and asked for an explanation. She burst into tears. “I just wanted to make slime, but I failed,” she sobbed. She couldn’t remember exactly what she had tried with, but at least baking soda, shaving cream and an aerosol shower gel had been used. It doesn’t even sound very wrong when I say it like that, but if you leave it untouched in a cupboard for months, it will spoil.

I emptied the glasses into the toilet with a gag and then threw them into the bin. We are now three months later and the inside of the cabinet still smells of sour slime. One advantage: making that mess yourself is at least curing our daughter for good.”

This article appears in Kek Mama 11-2022.

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