RTL brings the satirical talk show “7 days, 7 heads” back to the program. After a 17-year hiatus, the program will be launched again and will celebrate a comeback on February 3, 2022 with Guido Cantz as the new moderator. He is already talking about a “world sensation”.


RTL: “7 days, 7 heads” returns to the stage

The then extremely popular format “7 days, 7 heads” is being relaunched by RTL. On February 3, 2022, the first episode starts at 10:15 p.m. The longtime presenter Jochen Busse is not part of the party, instead Guido Cantz takes over the moderation the reissue. In December 2021 he said goodbye to the ARD show “Do you understand fun?” After twelve years and 60 programs.

“RTL has decided to revive one of its great classics. And I have the great honor of hosting,” Cantz said in the announcement. RTL MediaHub). According to him, it is Comeback of the satirical talk show no less than a “world sensation”. As usual, current events will be discussed on a weekly basis.

RTL has not yet revealed which guests will be present at the first new edition. The show, which ran from 1996 to 2005, included the late Rudi Carrell as producer and regular guest. “The cast is spectacular”, says new moderator Cantz. In addition to Rudi Carrell, the original edition featured popular regulars such as Mike Krüger, Gaby Köster and Kalle Pohl.

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“7 days, 7 heads”: Award-winning talk show on RTL+

During its first run, the talk show received a number of television and viewer awards such as the Golden Lion. In 2004 there was even the special prize of the German Comedy Prize. In the first season switched on average five to seven million viewers one. RTL offers old episodes on its streaming service RTL+ (formerly TVNOW).