
Regret your app? This is how you edit sent messages on WhatsApp

Regret your app, or made an embarrassing typo? Soon that will be less bad: WhatsApp is working on a new function that will still allow you to edit sent messages.

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Edit sent messages in WhatsApp

WhatsApp is working on a new update that will make it possible to edit sent messages after all. Previously it was already possible to delete sent messages, but now an editing function is added. Super handy for correcting spelling mistakes afterwards, for example.

Read more: Modify a sent message in iOS 16: this is how you do it

This new feature is similar to the features of Telegram and iMessage. With these apps it was already possible to edit sent messages afterwards. With iMessage you can see the edit history of the message and you only have a limited number of minutes to edit the message. What about WhatsApp?

WhatsApp gives you 15 minutes to edit your message

Also with WhatsApp you can’t edit your messages indefinitely. After sending the message you have 15 minutes to change the content of the message, after which the option expires. Editing a message does not happen unnoticed: after editing the app, the label ‘Edited’ appears with the message.

Unlike iMessage, WhatsApp does not allow you to view the message’s edit history. The editing option is (for the time being) only released for editing single messages, captions under photos, videos and documents cannot be adjusted.

So the new feature is mainly for editing minor spelling mistakes in recent messages on WhatsApp. Have the 15 minutes you have to edit the message passed, but do you still want to edit the message? Then it is best to delete the message and send it all over again. Read here how to delete a message on WhatsApp.

edit message whatsapp

This is how you edit a message on WhatsApp

Editing a message is finally possible on WhatsApp, but how exactly does that work? Editing your message on WhatsApp is done in the following way:

  1. Open ‘Whatsapp’;
  2. Go to the conversation in which you want to edit the message;
  3. Hold your finger on the sent message for a few seconds;
  4. Choose ‘Change’.

After this you can change the message as you wish. Can’t edit the message? Then check whether you have installed the latest version of WhatsApp on your iPhone and whether your message was sent no more than 15 minutes ago.

New editing feature coming soon

The new message editing feature has now been released for the beta version of WhatsApp on iPhone. That means WhatsApp is now testing the feature. It is therefore very likely that the new feature will appear soon for all iPhone users.

Also read: New update WhatsApp: video calling much better thanks to this function

To install or update WhatsApp on your iPhone, your phone must be running iOS 12 or later. Otherwise it will not be possible to install the new updates. Still need to update your iPhone? Earlier we explained how to always keep your iPhone up-to-date!

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