Price drop for Nvidia graphics cards? Your patience should soon pay off
Despite a slight drop in prices, graphics cards are currently still being sold at moon prices – but that could change soon, at least for the Nvidia models. Is the end of the hardware crisis in sight?

RTX graphics cards from Nvidia soon to the RRP? New trend creates hope
PC gamers who are flirting with a hardware upgrade have had a huge problem for months: New graphics cards are currently in short supply and are therefore sold by all retailers at absurdly high prices. For the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070, for example, whose RRP is 519 euros, are easily due 800 euros. The phenomenon can also be observed in other models from the graphics card manufacturer.
But the price problem could soon be history. According to current statistics, it looks like the street prices of Nvidia graphics cards could At the end of the year were roughly at the EIA level. With AMD, on the other hand, it will likely take a little longer to achieve this goal. Team Rot’s graphics cards are even more sold out than the competing models from Nvidia.
Nvidia graphics cards at an acceptable price? The goal is still a long way off
Even if the expert graphics provide a nice view that gives PC gamers hope again – Currently the prices are still miles away from the forecast. The Nvidia models are still being sold around 50 percent above the official list price.
While Nvidia is slowly but surely showing a decline in prices, the prices of AMD models are developing in the opposite direction: They are slowly becoming more expensive again. One of the reasons for this is that AMD’s graphics chips are manufactured using the 7 nm process, which is also used for PC and console processors – and these should be compared to graphics cards significantly higher priority for AMD have.
It will therefore take some time before a similar price trend can also be seen at AMD. However, we keep our fingers crossed that the exorbitant prices for graphics cards will soon be a thing of the past.