Physical or online WWDC? Apple surveys developers
WWDC 2020 and 2021 have been exclusively online due to Covid-19. Apple couldn’t afford to host a physical event, as it did every year before. But will we return to this format from 2022?
Apple offers a developer survey (available at this address) to ask for their feedback on a physical WWDC, as before. “How likely would you be to attend an in-person conference after experiencing a fully online event?” “, asks Apple. There are five possible answers: very likely, somewhat likely, neither likely nor unlikely, somewhat unlikely or very unlikely.
The next question asks developers if they prefer to physically or virtually participate in different types of dates that can be found at WWDC. These include the Platform State of Union, Apple Design Awards, Sessions, Daily Challenges and more. Developers can choose in person, online, no preference or not applicable.
This poll is far from trivial and the responses could define what WWDC will be like in 2022 and subsequent sessions. A hybrid format (partly physical and partly online) could eventually emerge. Other big shows, like E3, are thinking about it very seriously for events starting next year. Why not Apple with its WWDC?