Orange is working on 10 Gb/s fiber, but remains vague on availability
Orange will offer fiber at 10 Gb / s for individuals, but it will not necessarily be soon. The operator had already said that he was working on it and he reiterates on this subject this week.
10 Gb/s fiber at Orange is not for now
For a while, the best speed offered by Orange with its Liveboxes was 1 Gb/s. Then there was an offer with 2 Gb/s, but it was a shared speed since the Livebox 5 still had 1 Gb/s ports. This changed recently with the launch of the Livebox 6 which still has a speed of 2 Gb/s, but it is really usable thanks to the 2.5 Gb/s port present on the box.
On the competition side, Free and SFR already offer 10 Gb/s Internet offers (8 Gb/s in actual fact). Orange intends to join them, as indicated by Philippe Chanclou. This fiber innovation team leader at Orange was present at the research fair on the operator’s optical networks.
“Today, fiber offers a speed of around one gigabit. The next step is the arrival and massive deployment of 10 gigs at home,” he told the Breton daily The Telegram. When can we expect the increase in throughput? “A few months, a few years on the Orange France network. In the long term, the objective is for the whole of France to be eligible for 10 gigabyte offers. The technologies are ready. We are in the learning and testing phases,” the manager said.
There is no specific date, which suggests that we will have to wait a little while. And as Orange has just launched its Livebox 6 with 2 Gb/s that can actually be used, we suspect that the operator will not quickly draw 10 Gb/s.