
opinions divided about withdrawing money with your smartphone

With the Geldmaat ATMs, ABN AMRO customers can withdraw money without a debit card. They use their telephone to log in with the AMBN AMRO Mobile Banking app. We asked what you think, and the results couldn’t be more divided.

AW Poll withdraw money with your smartphone

Our smartphone seems to be growing more and more as the central point for just about all financial transactions. We can use apps for mobile banking, contactless payment is extremely popular, and now you can also withdraw money if you only have your phone in your pocket.

It is possible if you are a customer of AMBN AMRO. With the app you can then scan a QR code on a Geldmaat, and then you can log in and choose the desired amount that you want to withdraw. Androidworld, on the other hand, was told by Rabobank that they see more in a contactless solution via NFC. You tap the readers of the machine with your phone to connect. Such a technique is expected from next year.

Divided Opinions

We asked you this week what you think of these concepts, and the results below speak for themselves. Roughly two thirds is for the idea. About half of that group of people thinks the ABN AMRO concept is fine, while the other part would rather use the NFC technology. A third of voters don’t like it at all and find withdrawing money with the debit card fine.

The results of the poll

Are you surprised by the distributed results in this poll? Did you perhaps expect that there would be more or fewer supporters of this technique for ATMs? What do you think we should explore in a next AW Poll? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.

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