
Official: GTA V coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in November

Hot news! GTA V has been announced for the PlayStation 5 and will be released in November. You can expect this.

It took a while, but finally more information has been announced about GTA V for the new generation of consoles. Since the arrival of the PS5 it has been known that GTA V would come to the new generation of consoles. We had to wait for it. Fortunately, there is now a bit more to say.

GTA V on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X

First of all, you still need to have more than six months of patience. GTA V and GTA Online will be released on November 11 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. GTA V will be free to play on PS5 for the first three months, according to Rockstar Games. Xbox Series X gamers need to patch up for the game from day one.

In addition to polished graphics, you can expect a number of surprises for GTA on the new generation of consoles. For example, Rockstar has a surprise in store with regard to the anniversary of GTA 3. GTA 3 is blowing out 20 candles this year. The game was released in October 2001.

Now that we know that GTA V will be coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in November, people immediately look ahead to GTA 6. Because nothing is known about that title yet. It is hoped that GTA V and GTA Online will feel fresh enough in November, because the game from 2013 has at least played gray to you. It remains to be seen what Rockstar has made of this new version for the new generation of consoles.

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