Odysee: the alternative to YouTube that promotes freedom of expression
Internet, domain of freedom? Yes, it was in itself a bit of the idea at the start before the god dollar came little by little to put his two cents in the gears. When the economic model of your site is entirely based on advertising, we are quickly attempted to censor any content that might scare away advertisers. Alas, if the substance of this desire to skim can be defended, it is done quite often in a way that cannot be. On Facebook, bans sometimes seem totally arbitrary, mostly decided by low-ceilinged AIs. Some sites, whose financial income is mainly based on the social network, can thus find themselves blocked and in danger overnight. On YouTube it’s not much better and this has led to the creation of alternatives like Odyssey.
Odysee: the freedom to maintain the vagueness
Like Twitter has its GETTR, YouTube has its Odyssey! The principle is essentially the same and the site’s interface looks just like its template. Where it differs from the start is that it is of a decentralized site based on the LBRY blockchain. This gives it a certain independence compared to other video hosting proposals. This also offers a welcome anonymity to those who share them.
The other point on which Odysee has based its appeal is that there is no censorship. Which doesn’t mean you won’t find completely “normal” videos. As everywhere, video game parties and live music respond to make-up advice, gardening and telephone tests. In the middle though, in sections like ” Info & News ” and ” Mysteries », are found videos spreading funny stories put forward as truths. All conspiracy theories are enthusiastically discussed there, bringing together both defenders of the flat Earth and whistleblowers specializing in “chemtrails”. Did you know that those traces of condensation left in the sky by airplanes are actually GMOs dropped on healthy crops to make us all gay? Unless it’s scattered aluminum particles for the “global dimming” project… In the comments, everyone agrees with the general idea that, anyway, ” We are being lied to! “. A freedom of tone that appeals more and more to those who cannot find it elsewhere.

The door always open
When it launched at the end of 2020, Jeremy Kauffman, president of Odysee, announced that he had created the site to regain the independence of the Internet with which he had grown up where “ everyone could speak and have a voice “. It is with this idea that the platform was born and we can say that it has succeeded in its bet since many people fired from YouTube have found a less glaring home there on shared content. Little by little, a community that feels sidelined by the GAFAM has come together to share its ideas. François Asselineau, presidential candidate, has a channel there to defend his anti-European program and in favor of Frexit. Comedian Dieudonné is also present on the platform to defend those who attacked the Capitol. In a video, he also explains that Donald Trump was the victim of electoral fraud fomented by pedophiles. Strange.
However, you should not see Odysee as a benchmark for a certain segment of the population since even Android-MT now has open a channel. Why ? Because of course a disagreement with YouTube who didn’t like the publication on our channel of a video explaining how to install YouTube Vanced, an ad-free alternative, on smartphones.
Like it or not, yes, Odysee is the very image of freedom of expression. With its good and bad sides. Humanity in all its splendor finally, difficult to follow, and in which it is above all up to everyone to sort out.