
NB! Electric bicycle thieves active

Do you have an electric bicycle? Then pay attention. There are plenty of electric bicycle thieves active again. Not only batteries are stolen, displays are also very popular with thieves.

In this article you can read what thieves can do with the stolen battery and display and you will receive tips to prevent theft.

What do thieves do with the stolen battery and displays?

Thieves use the stolen parts to complete another bicycle or to replace older parts with new ones. A loose battery that has been stolen also yields a lot of money. Did you know that batteries that have been stolen are also used for purposes other than cycling? Think, for example, of batteries that are used for cannabis farms.

Tips to prevent theft

Do you have an electric bicycle? Read the important tips below to prevent theft:

Take your battery with you

The ART Foundation assesses various locks. Research has shown that the lock on the battery is not sufficient to prevent theft. This is because the lock is attached to vulnerable plastic, which is easy to open. It is therefore advisable to always take your battery with you if this is possible. Does this not work? Always park your bicycle in plain sight or at a guarded bicycle shed as much as possible.

Do you have an electric bicycle and do you want to know more about charging your battery correctly? Read more about properly charging your battery in this article.

Displays can also be unscrewed

Did you know that your display is secured with a very small screw? This is easy to unscrew, unfortunately also for thieves. So: are you going? Then easily unscrew the screw yourself and take your display with you. This is how you prevent theft!

Write down your unique frame number

Each bicycle has its own and unique frame number. Without a frame number you can no longer find out whether a bicycle has been stolen or not. With this frame number you can easily report to the police. Therefore, always write down your unique frame number in case you need it.

Do you want to be able to enjoy your electric bicycle carefree? offers various bicycle insurance policies from the ANWB/Unigarant. You can take out insurance against theft, but also against damage. Choose the bicycle insurance that suits you!

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