“My sons only talk in Donald Duck language”
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Not a moment without chattering or strange winks: these parents talk about their child’s strange tic. And well, what do you do then?
Lisanne (32), mother of Roman (11):
“Suddenly he did it while playing football. Roman played an away game with his team, apparently found it very exciting and nervously squinted. From that moment on his tic was born and it lasted for at least a year. Of course I immediately shouted that he had to stop, it irritated me when I sat opposite him and he made a kind of wink every few seconds and also twitched his nose. Roman claimed he couldn’t help it.
Just ignore
My friend searched the internet for tips and read that it is quite normal for this age to have a tic. Ignore was the best advice. I also told his environment. If relatives made a comment about it, I would take them aside and ask them not to pay any attention to it. Then it would go away on its own. In the end that happened. He still has it sporadically now and especially during exciting events: just before a birthday, during a competition or a school test. Fortunately, the compulsive is over.”
Read also – Tics in children: here’s what you can do about it >
Huey, Dewey and Louie
Katelijne (36), mother of Rogier (11) and Mats (9):
“It makes me sick. Not a word in this house is spoken normally, everything is in Donald Duck language. My eldest son started it a few months ago and his little brother thought it was hilarious. It took Mats a while to understand the technique, but now the duck sounds are flying over the table all day long.
I have already forbidden them to quack with each other during meals and I myself only respond to human language, but they have not yet finished eating when the boys continue fanatically against each other. It’s a phase, my husband says soothingly. I hope so, because the croaking is maddening.”
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