
‘My son is so much more than a report’

Image: Kyra, HashtagK

Lilian Finn (31) is an author, speaker and designer. She is married to Charles and mother of son Nox (4).

A sense of pride runs through me as my son walks out. It’s a Friday afternoon a week or two before summer vacation. He has his report in his hands. The very first report he ever received.

Kindergarten report

I also have no idea what should be in such a report. It’s my first (and only) child, so a lot of school stuff is new and unfamiliar. It’s a very big folder, which I hope doesn’t have hundreds of keys in it. Having a nice toddler is what I prefer to see Nox do for the time being.

I also think it is a bit early, in group one already a report. What can you judge a toddler on? A lot, it turns out. Whether he participates well in class (yes), is social (yes) and can hop (yes) hop (no, he can’t do that yet, haha). Also if he can count pointing (yes, to 10), his vocabulary (good) and if he works consistently with one hand (yes, left). Such a kindergarten report surprised me, but what was in it was not. That’s how we know our Nox.


Although, whatever it had said, I had always glowed with pride. Because what huge leaps he has made since he turned four in October! Still just as crazy about poop jokes, running around very fast and playing tag. Only in the meantime he can also recognize and write a number of numbers and the irregular scratches have turned into a very recognizable doll. New favorite colors (gold and rainbow) have been developed, he crafts like the best and can tell whole stories about the themes at school. Does he cycle without training wheels and regularly plays football in the schoolyard.

“Whatever it had said; I had always glowed with pride”

And as icing on the cake, in addition to the boyfriends my girlfriends gave birth to, he made boyfriends and girlfriends himself. Who are crazy about him, greet him with enthusiasm wherever they meet him in the city. Nox walks alone to a friend to play. Okay, she lives five houses away when he goes through the fence and her mother is standing by, but still; it makes it so different.

mother goose

Yes, this mother goose is proud. To all the beautiful steps my baby has made. The report? That was a name sheet, drawing Nox had made of himself, two pages and beautiful. But honestly, those numbers don’t interest me. Because outside the numbers he is also becoming a bit more himself and I literally see him grow every day. I love to see that. I can’t wish for more.

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