
‘My phone exploded in no time with angry smileys’

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After yet another parent asking exactly the same question as five others in the past week, it’s easy to suddenly get a very short fuse.

Marieke (40), mother of Bram (9):

“’Here we go again, all those bitches have something to say about the school trip’, I texted Kim, the mother of Bram’s classmate Jeroen. At least, that’s what I thought. Instead, I put it in the class app itself. Well I knew that. My phone exploded. Not only did I have fifteen angry and questioning smileys in no time, Kim also sent me all kinds of questioning messages: how did I suddenly become so assertive?”

Suffer in silence

Kelly (31), mother of Jazz (7) and Marly (3):

“Call me a wimp, but I don’t dare to step out of group apps. Not even the most annoying birthday party apps where three hundred photos are placed or the one with runaway cats from the neighborhood. To me, “Kelly left the group app” sounds similar to “Kelly stamping out of the room.” And so I remain a member of all those silly groups.”

Read also – Sports club thunder: ‘I have already experienced a few times that parents abused and even threatened each other’ >

Find out for yourself

Niama (39), mother of Noor (11) and Lina (6):

“It must be my own false nature, but I am very annoyed by lazy parents. Both in the dance and in the class app. You can easily find the question at what time we gather or when there is gym by scrolling up. And there is mail. There is google. If necessary, another mother that you can text.

“All this time I have to sit on my fingers not to type something really ugly”

But no, some parents prefer to throw their question over the hedge with all 34 parents: When is the Christmas holiday? When does the school photographer come? All the while I have to sit on my fingers so as not to type something really ugly.”

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