‘My daughter searched for ‘hamster’ and found all kinds of porn sites’
Image: Unsplash
Sure there is sometimes a fuss about screens, but most mothers are secretly overjoyed that these things exist. So is Marjolein (35), mother of Sophie (8), Marit (7) and Emma (5).
“Did anyone know that if you type ‘hamster’ as a search term on Google, you will be presented with porn sites if you click through long enough? Me neither, my middle daughter does now. “Ew mom, there are all these women in bare breasts!” she screamed in terror as she looked for her favorite pet.
Also read: This is how you ensure that your child uses the internet safely >
Child lock
I haven’t changed her screen time of an hour a day since then, but there is a child lock on the TVs and all screens.”
This article can be found in Kek Mama 07-2022.
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