
‘My child saw images of my deceased father’

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Poor sleep due to ‘people’ in the bedroom who come to visit at night. Not everything children say can be dismissed as ‘a vivid fantasy’.

Lisette (47), mother of Abigail (14):

“My daughter has always been a bad sleeper. She slept late and sometimes she was wide awake in the middle of the night. I tried everything: night light, warm milk, melatonin, lavender on pillows and first in the bath… nothing helped. Three years after my father passed away, Abigail told me that she had visitors at night. She was then about nine years old. She said there were ‘people’ in her room, not that it was my father, because she was afraid that would make me sad.

Also read – Spooky: ‘My child talks to ghosts’ >

And now all save

Only during a parent-child drawing workshop, where my drawing coach noted that my daughter was very spiritual, did Abigail feel free enough to share her experiences. She saw images of my father, my grandmother, and someone she didn’t know.

“We have urged her to tell the spirits that it is her room”

She was sleeping in a loft bed at the time, but it felt uncomfortable, as if she was being hugged in a firm way. We then bought a normal bed, cleaned her room with sage, looked for stones to calm her down. But above all, we have impressed on her that she may tell the spirits that it is her room, that they do not have to watch her all the time and may leave. Now she is sleeping peacefully again, so I think it helped.”

This article can be found in Kek Mama 01-2022.

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