Within the main missions on Noveria in Mass Effect, you have to solve a puzzle in order to continue with the story. In the following we will tell you how to repair the AI ​​core.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Noveria puzzle – this is how you repair the AI ​​core

While you are on Noveria, you will eventually reach the point “Summit 15”. Fight your way forward until you stand in a round room. There you get access to the station KI Mira, which is deactivated.

To activate the core of the AI, you have to solve the puzzle, or pay 100 universal gel to bypass the puzzle. The aim of the puzzle is to move the tower of the left stack onto one of the two free stacks.

This is what the core repair puzzle looks like in Mass Effect.
This is what the core repair puzzle looks like.

The rules are as follows: You can only ever take the top part and put it down, nor can you place a larger part on a small one. You can slide the parts back and forth as often as you like. As soon as you solve the puzzle or use the universal gel, the core of the AI ​​is activated and Mira is online.

So that you don’t have to fiddle for too long or waste 100 universal gel, we write down the solution with the respective key combination for each platform:

  • PlayStation: Square triangle, square circle, triangle circle, square triangle, circle square, circle triangle, square triangle, square circle, triangle circle, triangle square, circle square, triangle circle, square triangle, square circle, triangle circle
  • Xbox: XY, XB, YB, XY, BX, BY, XY, XB, YB, YX, BX, YB, XY, XB, YB
  • PC: Column 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3, 1 → 2, 3 → 1, 3 → 2, 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3, 2 → 1, 3 → 1, 2 → 3, 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3

With the above solution, you can save 100 universal gel and repair the AI ​​core all by yourself. After the station AI Mira is back online, you will receive further instructions from her to get the station up and running. It should also be noted that other key combinations can also lead to a solution.