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Long-distance carpooling: with or without football?

Carpooling is a practical and very popular solution today. It meets all expectations whether for daily journeys or for long journeys. In the latter case, this new mode of transport will allow you to reduce the cost of your trip, but also to meet new people. It is even possible to share the same passions such as football with the other passengers. Find out everything you need to know about carpooling here.

What is long-distance carpooling?

Long-distance carpooling is a great option to make his trips. It consists to share a car to make a long journey with other individuals going to the same destination. In general, the passengers and the driver do not know each other. However, they share the same ambition: save money. The goal is therefore to share the costs between these and reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

You can thus book your trip on carpooling platforms on which it is possible select passengers and choose the mode of communication preferred. This is particularly the case of Carpooling Simoneverte.

How to carpool?

In France, the practice of carpooling has grown significantly in recent years. Drivers have the option to post their trip on sites like SimoneVerte. On their side, the passengers can find a person who carries out the route which they plan to carry out.

SimoneVerte distinguishes itself from the others by the following criteria:

  • modernity : passengers can have a special role in the car as co-pilot, DJ, journalist, etc. It is also possible during this World Cup period to choose people soccer fans and thus share this passion or not;
  • low prices : routes are accessible at low prices with only a commission of €2;
  • innovation : users have at their disposal a dedicated cat and term, a tour guide which will inform carpoolers about their surroundings in real time.

What are the benefits of carpooling?

Carpooling offers you many advantages, namely:

An economical option

If you want to travel long distances, you usually have the choice between car, train and plane. While opting for your car, various costs have to be considered like gasoline, maintenance costs and tolls. Thus, for the car owner, long-distance carpooling will allow him to limit its costs of displacement. On the other hand, for passengers, this new transport system is more economical that the train and the plane.

An ecological solution

As automobile traffic brings adverse effects to the environment, so it is necessary to choose a greener solution like carpooling. Indeed, reducing the number of cars helps to limit thecarbon footprint of each one.


Opting for carpooling also means having the opportunity to meet people and to create friendships. So you can share a moment of conviviality and to change with the other passengers throughout the journey.

What are the precautions for carpooling?

If you plan to do long-distance carpooling as a passenger, it is recommended that you turn to a platform designed for this type of practice. This way you will benefit of more security and with peace of mind. Indeed, the platform requires the driver to provide various documents and information to ensure its serious. You will be like this more serene during the trip. Moreover, if you are a driver, going through a site is more advantageous, because it will guarantee you to be paid to make your route. The passenger will have to pay first before making the reservation.

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