
Leaked: Amazon has another dirty money-saving trick

Once again, Amazon appears to be using their gigantic power to save money through dirty tricks, in this case on third-party shares.

Amazon has not become the world’s largest webshop by playing the game neatly. The service is unprecedentedly convenient, perhaps even second to none. But behind the scenes shows time and again how Jeff Bezos’ money maker uses very cunning, clever and sometimes even dirty tricks to save money. So again today, as The Wall Street Journal reveals how Amazon can buy shares of involved third parties at dirt-cheap prices.

How Amazon Saves Money on Stocks

Insiders tell the medium that Amazon is using a potentially nasty trick to wring out affiliated stores and suppliers. In more than 70 cases, Amazon gave affiliates access to the powerful network. In exchange, those parties had to promise so-called warrants.

These are essentially third-party promises to sell their shares at a price lower than the stock market. In this way Amazon kills two birds with one stone. On the one hand, they receive a large or small share in affiliated companies. This once again increases the power of the webshop giant.

In addition, according to the insiders, they save tons of money. They are given the opportunity to buy shares below market value. Sometimes Amazon would even acquire a majority of a company through this stock trick. Anyone who wants to buy shares of a company on the stock exchange pays the public price. But not Amazon. In total, the webshop would earn billions with the money saved and the shares in dozens of companies.

It is not the first time that Amazon has turned out to be a bully behind the scenes. Start-ups would be downright cheated by the webshop, according to a revealing article. Products would literally be stolen and then sold under their own name. We also keep hearing horror stories from employees. In short, Amazon is very handy and cheap, but perhaps not very sympathetic when it comes to competition.

Source: Engdaget

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