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Launch your business on the web: develop your social networks.

Manage a company’s social networks, This is not an easy task. So when you start a new business, you can’t afford to outsource the management of its social networks or to hire a person dedicated to the animation of the means of online communication. Don’t panic, you can manage social media on your own. For this, you will have to choose the essential networks to promote your products or services and use tools to organize yourself and save time. We will give you some great advice in this article.

Make a selection from the many social networks on the web

You don’t have to be everywhere to market yourself. The truth is, you can’t be everywhere. When you start a business, you start alone, with two or three. We rarely start with a large team, with different poles, with a mission for each person. In fact, in a young company, each person must have several hats to advance the project, to make it sustainable. Social networks may not be at the heart of your specialties. You will still be able to develop your networks by choosing from the most popular. You wanted launch your business on the web. Today, are you looking for solutions to simplify your life? No need to look any further, you have to use all the tools available on the web. For this, you have expense report management tools, such as Concur Solutions or tools for programming posts on social networks.

Create a professional network via LinkedIn

When launching a business, it is important to reach its different targets:

LinkedIn can help you reach these three targets. On this professional social network, there are professionals, but these people may also be interested in your products or services, especially if you sell training. However, on LinkedIn, you will hit more particularly, what is called, the secondary target. This target can include journalists, bloggers, investors… All these people who will not buy your products, but who will help you to make it known and to develop it. LinkedIn is a virtual world filled with innovation enthusiasts who want to stay up to date with new developments and who, for the most part, want to be entrepreneurial. These people can become future investors or future partners.

Make yourself known to as many people as possible through Facebook

Facebook is the most famous social network. Its attendance is declining, however, it is still on this network that you will be able to reach the largest age group. Should you use Facebook? This is a question you must seriously ask yourself. Most often, companies do not ask the question and go to create a page on Facebook. This is not the solution. You should only create a Facebook page if you think you will reach some of your targets. Not all of your targets are present on Facebook, but if any of them are, you can sign up. The good thing about Facebook is that it’s a virtual world where word of mouth works wonderfully. To reach as many people as possible, you need to create original content in your image:

  • pictures ;
  • videos ;
  • texts.

It is the ideal network to share your creations and promote your website.

Create a real universe on Instagram

In just a few months, Instagram has become the preferred social network for young and old alike. Based on the publication of photos, this network is perfect for showing the world of your business to the world. What do we mean by “universe”? For your target to become attached to your brand, you need to offer more than a product. We must propose a graphic and editorial universe. For this, you will need:

  • a logo;
  • a graphic charter;
  • an editorial charter;
  • and why not, for illustration.

Of course, all of this takes time and that is probably what you are missing. You have a solution. You can call on a freelance, a freelance expert in graphics or illustration. On Instagram, if you post original illustrations and photos, you will be able to stand out from other Internet users and other businesses.

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