
In Berlin you can now order charging cables from Lieferando

Lieferando and Mediamarkt are now working together in Berlin. In the future, customers will not only be able to order food via the delivery service, but also electronic devices such as charging cables.

Charging cables and computer accessories instead of pasta and pizza: This will be possible in the future thanks to a cooperation between Lieferando and Mediamarkt. As part of the pilot partnership the electronics retailer has now opened its first order shops on the online marketplace.

Mediamarkt and Lieferando supply small appliances and computer accessories

The new service extends the range of Lieferando’s ordering platform in Germany to include non-food products for the first time. The range should initially include around 100 small devices and accessories for everyday use. The declared goal: to deliver electronic products within Berlin in around 35 minutes.

Delivery of accessories for mobile phones, computers and Co.

To ensure this, Lieferando Express is expanding its shops to include Mediamarkt’s technology bestsellers. This initially includes mobile phone accessories such as chargers and cables as well as power banks and various adapters.

The service also supplies computer accessories such as keyboards and mice, USB sticks and webcams. The range also includes audio equipment, household electronics such as batteries, LED lamps and small electronic devices such as hand vacuum cleaners. In addition, users can order care products such as electric toothbrushes and razors.

Mediamarkt and Lieferando deliver without an additional fee

According to the official announcement, the costs of the individual items are based on the prices of the Mediamarkt online shop. Lieferando does not want to charge a delivery fee for orders to neighboring districts. In addition, the products are to be delivered by electric bicycle.

Orders can also be placed without registration. Users can also choose from around ten different payment methods.

The delivery of the new offer should take place within Berlin between 8 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. – i.e. also outside the regular branch opening hours.

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