
“I yelled at her to keep her hands off him”

Image: Unsplash

You would be the most laid-back mom ever, resolving any conflict before it even surfaced. Turns out that in reality it’s just a little different.

Leonie (33), mother of Bodhi (2 months):

“Yes, mother lion, that is how you could describe me. Where I thought I would be a relaxed mother who would easily hand over her child, I am extremely protective. Bodhi is perfectly healthy and doesn’t cry easily, but I just don’t like it when people touch my child.

That will teach her

My mother-in-law – with whom I don’t have the warmest relationship anyway – must also keep his hands off him. When we got to her, Bodhi was simmering in the car. She wanted to dive right in, but I said, “Leave it alone.” I hoped he would fall asleep.

Still, my mother-in-law picked him up and said, in such a baby’s tone: ‘Yes, you want to go to grandma’s, you don’t want to lie down at all, you want to cuddle…’ I admit that I am still a bit hormonal, but I have both never seen my husband as his mother look at me so strangely when I yelled at her to keep her hands off him. She put it back right away.”

Read also – Sports club thunder: ‘I have already experienced a few times that parents abused and even threatened each other’ >

Trainer of nothing

Wendy (43), mother of Liam (9) and Royce (7):

“Football should be for fun, is my motto. But if you have to deal with a trainer who trains the boys under seven as the Dutch national team, it is difficult to keep up. Royce is not such a talented player and every week I saw his fun in playing football decrease.

The reason: a trainer who clearly showed that he couldn’t do anything about it. ‘But he’s here to learn’, I had already told the man. But no, every game Royce was substituted for a long time or he was put on goal, because ‘then he couldn’t ruin any chances’. The rest of the team joined in that negativity.

Until, on a cold Saturday morning, I was suddenly so done with it. Royce was almost crying, so was I, and out of the blue I said, ‘We’re going home. My child won’t learn anything with a trainer of nothing.’ And so we drove off. We never went back and Royce is now very happy with judo.”

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