
‘I hold them extra tight. Something that a lot of parents can never do again…’

Patricia van Liemt is a radio host, writer and mother of Maria (12) and Phaedra (9). Every Friday she writes accurate, honest, funny and above all recognizable columns about her life and motherhood.

His snoring wakes me up but I’m glad he’s next to me. My second thoughts are that my children are safe upstairs in a warm sleep. unharmed. Empathize.

It is six o’clock in the morning and the broken night divides my thoughts into fragments. My youngest had had a small ‘accident’ and while the rest of the family was fast asleep, I did a quick fix by putting a bath towel over the accident site. Then I gave her a pat on her sleepy head, accompanied by the words ‘no matter sweetie, it can happen’.

The last time

A big mistake I often make when I wake up at night is that I check my Instagram against my better judgement. Half hanging next to my bed, so that the light from my phone doesn’t illuminate the entire bedroom, I read the terrible message: ’19 children and 2 adults killed in Texas shooting’† My heart literally stops for a moment. Another unreal drama due to a shooting.

Those parents…

They took their child to school that morning unsuspectingly. Maybe called back for a backpack that was left behind. Which degenerated into an extra kiss before disappearing from view, only to be met by a cheerful teacher at the door.

There is one more wave, because that’s what you do as a parent, even though you know that last wave won’t arrive. ‘Have fun at school, sweetie!’, they call out through an open car window. But they are already in and you go into the day with peace of mind.

Also read – Split up after the death of our child: ‘We lost each other completely’ >

what’s up mom?

The facts

  • There are more guns in America than people.
  • In the past 47 years, more Americans have been killed by gunfire than have been killed in all of the major wars the US has been involved in.
  • In 31 of the 50 states, guns are not licensed, residents who own guns are not registered, and there are no specific laws for assault weapons.
  • In some states, such as Texas, it is even allowed to visibly carry firearms on the street.

We are sitting at the breakfast table and it is an ordinary Wednesday morning in Huize van Liemt. I look at my kids and feel my eyes blur because of the emerging tears. ‘What’s wrong mom? Daddy snoring again?’ We all have to laugh. I grab them extra tight before they leave for school. Something that a lot of parents can never do again…

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