‘I give my daughter a dessert after every meal, so also after breakfast and lunch’
Image: Shutterstock
Limit sweets in your child’s menu? Not at Lindsay Wolf’s house. On her blog she explains why she serves her daughter a dessert with every meal of the day.
“My daughter would ask me for dessert ten times a day,” Lindsay says. ‘At one point she even started secretly reaching for sweets and desserts and hiding them. It was like seeing myself.’ Lindsay grew up in a house where dieting was very important, and weight and size were discussed every day. “That caused me to sneak sweets to my room and later develop an eating disorder.”
To prevent this from happening to her daughter, she knew she had to act immediately. ‘I scoured the internet and sought help from an expert. Finally I came across a nutritionist who teaches parents how to improve their children’s relationship with food.’
Lindsay decided to apply one of that expert’s advice. “My daughter now gets dessert with every meal, in addition to all the other food.” The goal: her daughter should eventually feel less pressured to eat the healthy stuff and less enthusiastic about ‘her’ desserts.
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no treat
“The first time, of course, my daughter didn’t understand: why were there desserts on her breakfast, lunch, and dinner plate?” Lindsay says. ‘But after a while I started to notice a change in her behaviour. By always offering her dessert, essentially allowing her to eat as many desserts as she wants, she eats until she is full and then stops. As a result, she no longer secretly takes sweets behind my back. She also no longer sees desserts as a ‘treat’. Ha, sometimes I don’t even have to buy them anymore.’
Source: Scary Mommy
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